Solved: McAfee Support Community - Cannot enable firewall

Enable or Disable Windows Firewall from Command Prompt Nov 06, 2017 OS X: Turn firewall on or off from the command line This command lets you turn the build in OS X firewall on and off, on both for specific services or essential services. It works with OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8. It also works via Apple Remote Desktop. If you like this article, consider sponsoring me by trying out a Digital Ocean VPS. With this …

How to Open Firewall Ports on a Mac -

Should I enable a firewall on a Mac? - Quora It depends on your environment. If you have a single computer then there is no reason not to turn it on. Personally, I’ve got multiple Macs (7) at home, have it off, and rely on the router to block incoming ports except for a few that get forwarde

In Mac OS X, how do I enable or disable the firewall?

macOS Sierra’s firewall feature blocks unwanted network traffic coming into your computer, and Stealth Mode makes your Mac essentially invisible to hackers snooping for computers to target. Command Line Firewall Management In OS X 10.10 - krypted